Do you like making a fresh start at the beginning of every year? I know I do. I look forward to the temporal landmark that comes with the annual changing of the calendar.
Each new year brings a new mental accounting period where I can psychologically distance my current self from the disappointments of my past self. “That was the old me; this is the new me. The new me is smarter, wiser, and better prepared to face the challenges of life.”
Temporal landmarks like the start of a new year also have a way of interrupting attention to everyday details and give us the chance to take a big-picture view of our lives and reflect on our long-term goals.
This year is bringing an extra helping of newness with it. Among many other things, my futuristic romcom, Kiss of the Bionic Mermaid, is on track for a May 2024 release. This is a new genre for me and is the first in a new series under my new pen name – Leslie Dacapo.
The name Dacapo comes from the Italian musical term instructing the performer to repeat the music from the beginning, and I chose it to represent my interest in making a fresh start to my writing career with an exciting new genre.
I look forward to 2024 and the many opportunities it represents, and I am eager to connect with you in the months and years ahead.
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